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Summer 2023 Class Schedule

summer 2023 class Schedule

Summer 2023 courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
GBL_HLTH 307  International Perspectives on Mental Health Canna


6-week - First

MW 2:00-4:50pm

GBL_HLTH 390-0-1 Special Topics in Global Health: Environmental Justice Hoominfar


4-week - First

MTW 10:00am-1:00pm

GBL_HLTH 390-0-2 Special Topics in Global Health: Managing Global Health Challenges Diamond



W 5:50-9:00pm


Summer 2023 Electives

Summer 2023 elective courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
BIOL_SCI 310 Human Physiology Tracy Hodgson


6 week - First

TTH 9:30am-11:30am

BIOL_SCI 355-DL Immunobiology Steven Anderson


Regular Academic Session


CFS 392 Field Studies in Public Health TBA


9 week - First


CFS 397 Field Studies in Civic Engagement TBA


8 week - First


COMM_ST 246 Intro to Health Communication Kimberly Pusateri


Five Week - Second

W 12:00pm-2:00pm 

PHIL 268 Ethics and the Environment Regina Hurley


Six Week - First

MWF 12:00pm-2:00pm

PHIL 269 Bioethics Chad Horne


Five Week - Second

TTH 5:00pm-8:00pm

PSYCH 341 Positive Psychology: the Science of Well-Being Wendi Gardner


Five Week - First

MW 6:15pm-9:15pm


Visit the Summer Session website for course descriptions and the exact dates of each term.

summer 2023 course descriptions

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GBL_HLTH 307 International Perspectives on Mental Health

This course will explore issues of mental health in cross-cultural, international perspective and examine the impact of psychological illness on the global burden of disease. Students explore the following questions: how do cultural systems of meaning and behavior affect the vulnerability of individuals within the population to mental illness and the mental illnesses to which they are vulnerable? How does culture influence the way that mental illness is expressed and experienced and how does this affect our ability to measure psychological illness cross-culturally? How do cultural factors affect the way that mental illnesses are diagnosed and labeled, and the degree to which they are stigmatized? And how do such factors affect our ability to create effective public health interventions? Finally, how do healing practices and the efficacy of particular treatments vary across cultures? By examining these and related questions, in the context of specific mental illnesses including schizophrenia, depression, and PTSD students are exposed to a unique set of ideas otherwise unrepresented in the current global health curriculum.

Mental health is crucially linked to physical health, and represents an enormous global health burden in its own right. It is crucial, therefore, that global health students be introduced to central issues related to epidemiology and intervention in this area.

GBL_HLTH 390-0-1 Special Topics in Global Health: Environmental Justice

This course examines how environmental problems reflect and exacerbate social inequality. In this course, we learn the definition of environmental (in)justice; the history of environmental justice; and also examples of environmental justice will be discussed. We will learn about environmental movements. This course has a critical perspective on health disparities in national and international levels. How environmental injustice impacts certain groups more than others and the social and political economic reasons for these injustices will be discussed in this course. This is a discussion-intensive course for advanced undergrad students. The classes are student-centered with an emphasis on collaborative learning. The class meetings will consist of lectures, discussions, presentations, activities, video/audio materials and projects.

GBL_HLTH 390-0-2 Special Topics in Global Health: Managing Global Health Challenges

Diseases like COVID-19, Ebola and Diabetes know no borders. Both pathogens and lifestyles move around the world and the people of every country share the risks. The responsibility for ensuring the public health rests with governments at local, national and international levels. Public health interventions require cooperation and partnerships at each level and with civil society organizations, corporations, businesses and individuals. Advances in technology can significantly reduce the burden of disease and improve the quality of health and life. To effectively address global health challenges, technology must be integrated into health systems in ways that are both appropriate and sustainable. These interventions are affected by public policies, availability of resources and theories of public health and disease. Existing health organizations are increasingly challenged by the scope and magnitude of the current and future threats to public health such as the COVID-19 pandemic; the emergence of new and more virulent infectious diseases; the threats of bio-terrorism; growing resistance to antibiotics; lack of basic infrastructure of water, sanitation and inadequate access to drugs in developing countries; and overabundance of foods and complications from affluence, leading to health problems such as diabetes in higher income countries.

This course will examine the global epidemiology of these diseases and threats to the populations of the world, and the current technological and organizational strategies that have been established to respond. A series of diseases and geographical regions will be analyzed to consider how the international community uses technology and organizes its response to current problems in global public health. Special attention will be given to examples of effective technologies and intervention strategies.