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Winter 2022 Class Schedule

Winter 2022 class Schedule

Core Courses
Winter 2022 course listings in GBL_HLTH
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
GBL_HLTH 301 Introduction to International Public Health Sullivan TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
GBL_HLTH 302 Global Bioethics Rodriguez TuTh 12:30-1:50pm
GBL_HLTH 320-0-1 Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health Reyes TuTh 2:00-3:20pm
GBL_HLTH 320-0-2 Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health Hoominfar MW 9:30-10:50am
GBL_HLTH 322 The Social Determinants of Health Mitchell TuTh 9:30-10:50am
GBL_HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health Rodriguez TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
GBL_HLTH 390-0-21 Special Topics in Global Health: Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health, and Pleasure Sullivan MWF 11:00-11:50am
GBL_HLTH 390-0-22 Special Topics in Global Health: Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, and U.S. Politics Reyes MW 12:30-1:50pm
GBL_HLTH 390-0-23 Special Topics in Global Health: Silent but Loud: Negotiating Health in a Cultural, Food, Poverty, and Environmental Caste Mitchell TuTh 2:00-3:20pm
GBL_HLTH 390-0-24 Special Topics in Global Health: Hazards, Disasters, and Society Hoominfar MW 3:30-4:50pm


 Elective Courses
Winter 2022 elective listings
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
AMER_ST 310 / HISTORY 300-0-20 History of American Medicine Tess Lanzarotta TuTh 9:30-10:50am
ANTHRO 309 Human Osteology Erin Waxenbaum Dennison F 11:00am-1:00pm
ANTHRO 359 The Human Microbiome and Health Katherine Amato TuTh 9:30-10:50am
ANTHRO 386 Methods in Human Biology Research Aaron Miller TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
ASIAN_AM 303-0-20 Race, Mental Health, and Healing Justice Patricia Nyguen TuTh 3:30-4:50pm
BIOL_SCI 355 Immunobiology Hilary Truchan MWF 1:00-1:50pm
BUS_INST 394-LK-20 Professional Linkage Seminar: Lessons in Nonprofit Management Mary Graettinger Th 2:00-4:50pm
CFS 391 Field Studies in Social Justice TBA TBA
CFS 392 Field Studies in Public Health Jessica Ibrahim Puri TBA
CFS 397 Field Studies in Civic Engagement Elizabeth McCabe TBA
CIV_ENV 361-2 Public & Environmental Health Luisa Marcelino TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
ENGLISH 381 / GNDR_ST 361-0-21 Literature & Medicine: Illness and Femininity: Fictions and Facts Hannah Chaskin MW 2:00-3:20pm
GNDR_ST 332-0-20 Gender, Sexuality, and Health: Black Feminist Health Science Studies Moya Bailey TuTh 2:00-3:20pm
HUM 325-4-20 / AMER_ST 310 / ENVR_POL 390-0 Parks and Pipeline: Indigenous Environmental Justice Joseph Whitson TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
INTL_ST 395-0-21 Integrating Project Seminar: Medicine, Health & Wellness Alyssa Lynne TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
LATINO 392-0-2 Topics in Latina and Latino Social and Political Issues: Violence, the Body, and Resistance Elvia Mendoza TuTh 12:30-1:50pm
PUB_HLTH 391 Global Health Care Service Delivery Ashti Doobay-Persaud Th 5:30-8:15pm
SOC_POL 333 Economics of Health, Human Capital, and Happiness Hannes Schwandt TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm
SOCIOL 376-0-3 Sociology of Illness: The Normal and Pathological Through the Lens of Genetics Santiago J. Molina MW 11:00am-12:20pm


Winter 2022 course descriptions

GBL_HLTH 301: Introduction to International Public Health

This course introduces students to pressing disease and health care problems worldwide and examines efforts currently underway to address them. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the course identifies the main actors, institutions, practices and forms of knowledge production characteristic of what we call "global health" today, and explores the environmental, social, political and economic factors that shape patterns and experiences of illness and healthcare across societies. We will scrutinize the value systems that underpin specific paradigms in the policy and science of global health and place present-day developments in historical perspective. We will focus on social determinants of health, settler colonialism, colonialism, health and human rights, global health ethics, ecological determinants of health, and an overview of public health disciplines.  

GBL_HLTH 302: Global Bioethics

Global health is a popular field of work and study for Americans, with an increasing number of medical trainees and practitioners, as well as people without medical training, going abroad to volunteer in areas where there are few health care practitioners or resources. In addition, college undergraduates, as well as medical trainees and practitioners, are going abroad in increasing numbers to conduct research in areas with few healthcare resources. But all of these endeavors, though often entered into with the best of intentions, are beset with ethical questions, concerns, and dilemmas, and can have unintended consequences. In this course, students will explore and consider these ethical challenges. In so doing, students will examine core global bioethical concerns – such as structural violence – and core global bioethical codes, guidelines, and principals – such as beneficence and solidarity – so they will be able to ethically assess global health practices in a way that places an emphasis on the central goal of global health: reducing health inequities and disparities. With an emphasis on the ethical responsibility to reduce disparities, we consider some of the most pressing global bioethical issues of our time: equity, fairness, and climate change. Particular attention is given to the ethics of research during a pandemic and access to vaccines and therapies for Covid-19. 
Fulfills Area V (Ethics and Values) distribution requirement

GBL_HLTH 320-0-1: Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health

This reading intensive course will provide a theoretical foundation and the skills central to qualitative methods for public health research. We will focus on developing and conducting focus groups and individual interviews. Course assignments will provide the opportunity to exercise these skills and those necessary to developing a research proposal, ethnographic field notes, and data collection tools. Further, students will learn the benefits and challenges associated with transcribing, managing, coding, analyzing, and presenting qualitative data. Central to this course is the ethical and methodological issues related to creating qualitative data with people through their stories and experiences.
Fulfills Area III (Social and Behavioral Sciences) distribution requirement


GBL_HLTH 320-0-2: Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health

This course provides an introduction to the qualitative methods and develops the practical skills necessary to conduct rigorous qualitative field research on global health topics. Through seminar-style discussions, small-group workshops, and out-of-class research exercises, students will become familiar with nature of qualitative research, and they will learn how qualitative methods are applied at each stage of the research process, including design, data collection, analysis, and write-up.
Fulfills Area III (Social and Behavioral Sciences) distribution requirement

GBL_HLTH 322: The Social Determinants of Health

The human body is embedded into a health framework that can produce hypervisibility, invisibility, or both. This upper-level course in social science and medical anthropology examines the role of social markers of difference, including race, class, gender, sexuality, age, and religion, in current debates and challenges in the theory and practice of global health. We will explore recent illness experiences, therapeutic and self-care interventions, and health practices and behaviors in socio-cultural and historical context through case studies in the U.S., Brazil, and South Africa. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to key concepts such as embodiment, medicalization, structural violence, social determinants of health, biopolitics, health equity, and an ethic of care. Central questions of the course include: How do categories of "Othering" determine disease and health in individuals and collectives? How is medical science and care influenced by economic and political institutions and by patient trust? How do social and economic inclusion/exclusion control access to health treatment and self-care and care of others? This course focuses on the linkages between society and health inequalities in the U.S. and economic powers. It offers a forum to explore policy application with a particular emphasis on definitions that form social factors. This course utilizes historical accounts, contemporary ethnographies, Twitter threads of health experiences, public health literature, media reports, TedTalks, and films to bring to life the "why's" of health differences.
Fulfills Area III (Social and Behavioral Sciences) distribution requirement

GBL_HLTH 325: History of Reproductive Health

The history of reproduction is a large subject, and during this course we will touch on many, but by no means all, of what can be considered as part of this history. Our focus will be on human reproduction, considering the vantage points of both healthcare practitioners and lay women and men. We will look at ideas concerning fertility, conception, pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, birth control, abortion, and assisted reproduction. Because, at a fundamental level, reproduction is about power - as historian Amy Kaler (but by no means only Kaler), pointed out, "[c]control over human reproduction is eternally contested, in zones ranging from the comparative privacy of the conjugal bedroom to the political platform and programs of national polities" - we will pay attention to power in reproductive health. And, since the distribution of power in matters of reproduction has often been uneven and unequal - between men and women, between colonizing and Indigenous populations, between clinicians and lay people, between those in upper socioeconomic classes and those in lower socioeconomic classes - we will pay particular attention during this class to struggles over matters of reproduction as we explore historical changes and continuities in reproduction globally since 1900.
Fulfills Area IV (Historical Studies) distribution requirement

GBL_HLTH 390-0-21: Special Topics in Global Health: Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health, and Pleasure

Threesomes. Vibrators. Butt plugs. Multiple orgasms. You may have seen them in pornography, but have you ever wanted to study and talk about sex, and specifically, how to have a satisfying sex life? Many people look to pornography not just for entertainment, but also for education about what satisfying sexual encounters look like. Unfortunately, much of what people learn from pornography doesn’t lead them to healthy and satisfying sexual encounters and relationships. This lecture class seeks to go beyond many presumptions about sex and pleasure from pornography and popular culture, in order to equip students with information that can lead to more satisfying and healthy sexual experiences. Topics covered will include: physiological and biological sex; gender; sexual orientation; sexual variety; sexual pleasure; sexual dysfunctions; intimacy and effective communication; sexually transmitted infections; contraception, pregnancy, and childbirth; sexuality through the lifespan; sexual violence and coercion; as well as content driven specifically by students’ specific interests and questions as relates to sexuality, health and pleasure. The course also takes a cross-cultural and historical perspective, exploring how past and present perceptions about sex and gender affect prominent attitudes and presumptions about human sexuality and health in different contexts.

GBL_HLTH 390-0-22: Special Topics in Global Health: Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, and U.S. Politics

Healthcare for Native populations, in what is currently the U.S., is an entanglement of settler colonial domination and the active determination of Native nations to uphold their Indigenous sovereignty. This reading-intensive, discussion-based seminar will provide students with a complex and in-depth understanding of the historical and contemporary policies and systems created for and by Native nations. We will focus on the legal foundations of the trust responsibility and fiduciary obligation of the federal government outlined in the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court decisions. To gain a nuanced perspective, students will study notable federal policies including the Snyder Act, the Special Diabetes Programs for Indians, Violence Against Women Act, and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Additionally, state policy topics will include Medicaid expansion and tobacco cessation and prevention.

GBL_HLTH 390-0-23: Special Topics in Global Health: Silent but Loud: Negotiating Health in a Cultural, Food, Poverty, and Environmental Caste

To be “healthy” is a complex obstacle course that many individuals living in certain bodies have to navigate. Black bodies, for example, are often the tied to (un)health because they are stereotyped as in need to be controlled, managed, and “guided” into healthfulness. In the U.S., these narrow stereotypes are just a few of the ways Black bodies get defined. In this course, we will move beyond those restrictive stereotypes, guided by questions such as, “How does culture define health?”, “How does the food pipeline affect the health of certain bodies?” and “What does it mean to live in an obesogenic environment?” In this course, we examine the connection between health, culture, food, and environment with a focus on what is silenced and what is loud when generating “fixes” for  “diseased” bodies. Silence refers to the disregard and dismissiveness of the narratives and experiences around the oppressions attached to the health of certain bodies. Yet, this silence echoes as Loud when connected to their culture, food, and environment when discussing diseases highlighted in Black bodies such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

GBL_HLTH 390-0-24: Special Topics in Global Health: Hazards, Disasters, and Society

This course examines how socioeconomic and environmental factors work together to cause hazards and disasters in human society. In this course we learn the main concepts about disaster such as preparedness, vulnerability, resilience, response, mitigation, etc. We learn that a disaster does not have the same effect on everyone (all groups of people), and factors of social inequality such as race, ethnicity, class, and gender, make people more vulnerable to impacts of disasters. Also, this course, with an interdisciplinary perspective, analyzes disasters in the global North and South. This is a discussion-intensive course for advanced undergrad students. The classes are the student-centered with an emphasis on collaborative learning. The class meetings will consist of lecture, discussion, presentations, teamwork, activities, video/audio materials and projects.

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